Pulau Berhala is a beautiful isle fascinate in Berhala Strait, There are three isle broadly about 0,25- 0,5 hectare encircle it. The sea is clear and blue, Its coast is sloping, some of representing white sand carpet and some of again petrify. Well dug only about 10-15 metre from coastal lip and have clean water which transparent, bargain, and odourless.
Several Years, this island which is some of its farm is growed by many coconut tree, ownership of expressed claims as status quo by central government ( Domestic Departmental), because fought over by Provinsi Jambi and Provinsi Kepulauan Riau.
Though do not have the experienced resource potency, this island become the capture. Because potency there still be uppermost that is fishery from sea encircling its area. Rest is barren empty farm, with the carpet of sand and reef.
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